Sunday, July 06, 2003

I had a very odd dream last night...

I was finger painting with Eminem (as you do) and his painting was really colourful, but on mine all the colours were mixing together and making a big brown mess. Not content to be better than me at rapping he has to be better than me at finger painting as well! Smug bastard. And while we're there finger painting I'm desperately trying to turn the conversation towards MC'ing so I can try and show him my skills and get a record deal! At some point we aquired brushes, but the style of the painting remained the same: splodge paint on and make pretty colours (or in my case, brown). Then we went for a walk, and all the time I'm thinking "I can't believe I've just been finger painting with Eminem! This is insane! I must try to get his phone number so I can call and pester him!". Being in dreamworld I don't think I quite apprciated just how bizzare the situaton really was......

When I told Duncan, one of the guys at my dive school, about my dream, he commented that even if he was trying to come up with something surreal he wouldn't be able to concieve of something quite so ludicrous. I think he was trying to suggest that my brain is a little fucked up, but I think it shows I have a vivid imagination... :)

I did my PADI Open Water exam today. I passed with flying colours, so now I just have to do the Open Water Dives.... Still worried about my ears, but now I have some special de-congestant for diving which will hopefully help. But if the next time you see me and shout and I don't respond, it's not because I've decided your a dick after all, it's because I've burst both my ear drums.....

it's a funny old world isn't it. Just thought I'd share that with you.

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