Saturday, February 07, 2004

Well, from what I've seen of England through my protective haze of drunkenness, it's grey. It's as if someone has left it in a shop window in the sun (hah! the irony!) and all the colour has been drained out of it. Admittedly my first taste of the UK after my flight was in fact heathrow airport, terminal 4. Terminal 4 has an illness, and yes, it is terminal. It's possibly the drabbest, most depressing building I've ever seen. Everything is grey, or a muddy yellow, and covered in 40 years of grime. There are wires protruding from the ceiling, which is mostly strangely not there, and there is rubbish lying around on the floor. And the people! Everyone is wearing drab colours, possibly to compliment their miserable expressions....

I call my mate Ben from uni and luckily he's just on his way home from work. On the tube into the city, everyone sits and stares vacantly into space with a dissatisfied look on their faces. Except the guy sat next to me. He's busy examining a barbecue flavoured Dorito which he's pulled from the packet. He stares at it for a few seconds, as if looking for the best place to start, and then he opens his mouth wide.... and bites off half. He chews slowly, looking up, and then pops in the other half....... Who are these people!!!!! Why is everything everyone does sooooo straannnnnge! And why, please god why, is everything so greeeeyyyyy!!!!

I make it to bens. A few beers and a few joints later and the colour is starting to return. Of course! how could i forget! England is actually black and white, and then recreational drugs fill in the colour! It all starts coming back to me, and eventually we make it out to the pub, which is full of strange drunken ugly people. Well there not all ugly. In fact some of aren't half bad...... then we have "aftershocks". Then it all goes blank. Forgot to have have dinner. big mistake.

Wake up today in afternoon. Jet lag kind of works pretty well this way round! (As long as you don't have a job...) late nights and long lie ins..... :) Have spent the whole day inside, despite a fairly long spell on sunshine. Hey, i can enjoy it from inside ok, there's big windows! But now have to find energy to get active!! gotta call people, arrange things..... mmmm, in a bit.....

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